Learn how the CLARIOstar with ACU replicates in vivo oxygen conditions to increase the significance of your data. www.bmglabtech.com/defining-physiological-normoxia-in-cultured-cells-for-translation-to-animal-models-..
Tag : ACU
Poniżej przedstawiamy najbardziej popularne noty aplikacyjne w roku 2017 !! App Note 308: Qubit Replace DNA measurements during NGS sample preparation by using a reader with Qubit instead. www.bmglabtech.com/quantifying-double-stranded-dna-with-fluorescent-dyes-qubit-on-bmg-labtech-instruments/ App Note 309: Gas ramping Finally made possible by the CLARIOstar ACU – use gas as an experimental variable. www.bmglabtech.com/the-clariostar-with-acu-exposes-cells-to-ischemia-reperfusion-conditions-and-monitors-their-oxygenation/ App Note 311: ..
ACU w CLARIO potrafi sterować stężeniem CO2, O2 w czasie rzeczywistym – więcej szczegółów znajdziecie Państwo tut..